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The Larut Matang & Selama English Carnival for Primary Schools was held organised by the LMS District Education Office at SK ( P ) Treacher Methodist, SK Klian Pauh and SK King Edward V11 ( 2 ). Each of the 6 zones from Taiping, Kamunting, Trong, Simpang, Selama and Batu Kurau sent participants for each competition. The Level 2 Spelling Competition was held in SK Klian Pauh and SK Selama was given the privilege to organise this event. Both the Level 2 Public Speaking and Story-Telling Competitions were held in SK King Edward V11 (2 ) . The Choral Speaking and Action Song Competitions and the official closing ceremony were held at the main venue, SK (P) Treacher Methodist.
The English Carnival at district level was a great success and it is hoped that the strong message to love and learn English had been sent to all.
30 participants competed in the oral Spelling Competition and five finalists were declared winners. However, it is still unknown the number of participants for the state level competition . Congratulations to SK Selama as its best participant, Mohd Khairul Ikhwan Fadzizul emerged as the best speller or district champ. The panel of judges had a hard time preparing the list of words for the kids.
Congratulations to SK Selama too for being the runner-up in the Choral Speaking Competition . It was like a dream come true these wonderful boys and girls just like their script entitled, " Go After Your Dreams". It was the best achievement so far after many years of participation. Yes, SK Selama may even be the district champ . It's not impossible!
Well, as for the Action Song Competition, SK Selama was announced as the third prize winner to some disappointment. However, it's excellent and entertaining performance of, "Save Our Earth" received praises from the crowd. Well done girls and for sure SK Selama will return next year with much better performance. Credit goes to Pn Siti Khairunnisa who had put in much effort in this production. We do appreciate the cooperation of other teachers as well for without them we wouldn't have done so well especially in the preparation of the costumes.
In the Story-Telling Competition, Selama Zone wasn't that lucky. However, congratulations to Alya Md Zamin from SK Sg Dendang who won the third prize in the Public Story Competition.
Anyway, the participants from SK Selama enjoyed their visit to the Taiping Zoo as usual. If not for the pouring rain, it would have been more fun.

The Selama Zone English Carnival was held on 20 April 2011 in SK Selama. Being the grandest carnival ever organised by the Selama English Panel , it attracted the participation of almost all 20 primary schools here.
The competitions that were organised were Level 2 Story-Telling Competition, Level 2 Public Speaking Competition, Level 2 Spelling Competition and Level 1 Action Song Competition. The SK Selama Choral Speaking team presented , "Go After Your Dreams" and represented Selama Zone at the Larut Matang & Selama District competition.
The whole staff of SK Selama helped the organising committee to run this carnival successfully. Thanks to the SK Selama staff who did much of the preparation. Luckily, the new stage was ready in time for the carnival.
Shortly after registration and breakfast, the competitions started. The Spelling Competition was held in the largest classroom on the top floor of the old building. Thanks to Mdm Cheang Poh Lin and her team who ran the competition well . It was in written form and words were tough as most of them were taken from the Knowledge Discovery Magazine.
At the same time, the Story-Telling Competition was held in the big hall . Participants performed their best in front of the judges. Some were dressed in colourful and appropriate costumes depicting the main character of their stories. The judges chose the best participant who had performed very well in these aspects; pronunciation, grammar, fluency and creativity.
Everyone was impatient for the Action Song teams to perform. There were 5 teams, the best participation at this level . Teams from S.J.K. (T ) Jln Sir Chulan, S.K. (RTBK) Pondok Tanjong, SK Sultan Idris 11, S.K. Sri Selama and S.K. Selama. All the performances were entertaining and though some schools had participated for the first time, it was great effort.
The Public Speaking Competition which was held in the Media Room in the new block drew participation of 9 schools. Thumbs up for all the participants who tried their best to perform. The impromptu session truly tested them on their oratory skills, their knowledge and usage of correct grammar.
Congratulations to all the winners and to those who did not perform that well , it's fine. At least, they have gained new experience and learned from their mistakes. All the best and hope to have a better carnival next year.
Here are the results. The Champ for the Action Song Competition was SK Selama which drew praises and applause for it's wonderful lively performance, creativity and theme , "Save Our Earth". The runner-up was SJK(T) Jln Sir Chulan.
The Public Speaking Competition was won by Nur Aiman Amreel Abdul Rauf from SK Selama. Runner - up, Alya Md Zamin from SK Sg Dendang too had a chance to participate at the district level competition.
In the Story-telling Competition, Nur Faiza from SK Sg Si Puteh emerged as the champ, followed by runner-up, Nur Syazana Sulaiman from SK Sri Selama.
Finally, 5 top winners for the Spelling Competition were chosen. The champ was Md Naufal and runner-up, Khairul Ikhwan Fadzizul from SK Selama. The other 3 participants too participated at the district level competition.
The organisers would like to thank the panel of judges for carrying out their duty well to pick the best participants to represent Selama at the district level carnival.
Thanks to PKG Selama for doing the video taping and I hope that the CD could be produced as fast as possible. It would be great to watch the carnival on video. Thanks to Puan Noraini who did a wonderful slide show which I will hope to publish in this blog.
Thanks and appreciation to all heads of schools, teachers, pupils and parents who had given their support and cooperation to make this Selama English Carnival for Primary Schools a great success.